Friday 10 January 2014

Olivia Rose Blissett - 3rd September 2013

My Big Cousin Karen and her partner James welcomed baby Olivia to the world in September... And now I finally get to be a BIG cousin after always being the youngest! Karen requested bright, rather than baby colours for any knitting or gifts so I had great fun creating these for little Olivia. 

The converse were a special request and after failing to find a pattern I liked, I wrote my own which I now hope to sell on Ravelry! They have proved rather popular so I'm onto making my fifth pair now, which are for the lady who owns Knit Knacks in Hitchin - she is also my best friends Auntie and has just welcomed her first grandchild Poppy to the world. 

The dress is also my own pattern and lovely to make as it is knitted in the round and has no seams!

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