Wednesday 23 October 2013

Calvin Macaulay - The Dramatic Arrival!

I feel I have been slightly (well majorly) neglecting my blog lately! Over the next few posts the reasons may become clearer... my spare time has been absolutely full of baby knitting and wedding planning so the blog has suffered. I am hoping to add in quite a few updates over the next few weeks though... now the babies are finally starting to arrive!
Calvin James arrived in the world rather dramatically when he was expertly caught by his daddy while waiting at home for an ambulance! He is baby brother to Lyndon (Grub) Macaulay who is actually responsible for the start of my baby knitting obsession. Huge congratulations to my lovely friend Leonie and her husband Sam - (though I am missing our work lunches now she is back on maternity!)
As I made Lyndon two cardigans and a hat in 6 - 12 months, which I know Leonie has kept, I wanted to make Calvin something special of his own! After some thought I decided on this Snuggly Snowdrops hoodie and booties to get him through his first winter... hopefully they will fit for a little while, though he was a whole lb heavier than his big brother when he was born!
I then couldn't resist having my first go at a cuddly toy! My eagerness was mainly due to finding this gorgeous free koala pattern on which was just perfect for my Aussie friends living in the UK. The nametag was a little running joke at work as that's what our boss wanted her to name both babies... luckily they thought of two lovely and unusual names (a non-intentional nod to two American Presidents!) ... but I wanted her to still have a "Bruce"!
I must say I do love him and he was very hard to part with, but I know he has gone to a good home! I've already had a pic of Calvin and Bruce making friends - see below! I have definitely got the bug for Cuddlies now and I am hoping to do some more in the near future, starting with an Owl for Hattie's Christmas stocking and then onto some TOFT Alpaca crochet patterns.
Awww! He is so much like his brother... I can't wait to see if that continues...

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