Wednesday 22 May 2013

The first born Wetherman girl in 64 years...

She spent 36 hours without a name, but the gorgeous Isla Jessica Wetherman arrived on the 15th May 2013 weighing a deceptive 7lbs 4oz, in person she's teeny tiny! 

I'm so proud to be an auntie to my second gorgeous niece and loved knitting up a gift box of pink & pretty things for her!

And here they are...

These were the first Mary-Janes I made after Isla's mummy Sarah showed me something similar in her baby magazine. I then made some blue ones for Hattie and will definitely be making more of these!

This one was a special request hat for Isla's first photoshoot in a few weeks time! 

Teeny tiny cardi :) even this one won't fit her for a while! 

Snuggly winter cardi :) this one was nice and speedy which helped me catch up after the next one took me so long. Both totally worth it though!

This one is a very vintage pattern from my nan, which my mum has made quite a few times! It's a lovely pattern... though very slow... But I was really pleased with how it turned out! 

Isla's mum mentioned to me early on that one of her friends had a gorgeous vintage white baby shawl. I've never done one of these before or crocheted anything so big, but I'm really pleased with it, the wool is so soft and silky and it's very well travelled... I took it on the Eurostar to Disneyland with me so I could finish it. This was just in case baby Isla arrived early :) like her big brother did! 

And finally here are the dress and booties that I invented specially for Isla, I think it'll be a long time before they fit her but I can't wait to see her in them! Very glad I made a note of this pattern so I can make these again.

So after months of baby knitting it now feels very strange to now be knitting a shrug for myself for my friends wedding! After that's finished I'm hoping to get a few wedding bits done for us. Then its back to babies... another four due before Christmas this year :D xx